Thursday, January 21, 2010

Letter to our sound personnel

Dear brother Soundman,
1. thank you for your faithful service in 2009. You were faithful, right? :) I pray your service in 2010 will be enriching for yourself and the church as a whole. Do note that there is a sound engineering level 1 training January 31st. This will be followed by the apprenticeship programme.

2. Please read to better understand my input below

3. The presence of an "early" soundman is important. The soundman in PCC get the stage ready. They ensure the stage and sound equipment are in good working order. They "organise" the stage. If things need to be moved, the soundman bascially re-positions the amps, etc. Situations change. This week 4 singers. Next practice 6. Today they stand left. Tomorrow they stand right. Suddenly we have 2 new recruits. Even in real pro setups, songlists change, addtional musicians are required, etc. Your not being punctual or worse absence sets back the musicians and singers. Not only you, anyone for that matter being late will setback the TEAM. We used to tease the drummer that he is the absent goal keeper. Well, the soundman is the central defender. Please come for the practice...... and remember..... we need you on sunday too!
It is not for early sake or to catch a glimpse of the beautiful sisters (I am being gracefull here), it is to ensure the TEAM has an excellent practice: each and everytime!
Besides loving the Lord will all your heart, these are the important things we need in the YOU, the soundman:
  • as mentioned above, the setting up and position of stage equipment before the band arrives
  • Soundcheck, ie making sure every performer can hear one another, Recently when I played, I coudn't hear the great acoustic playing of Chun Kit while Abi's keyboard was super loud, my piano - well let's just say I have to "imagine" my notes. All these could easily have been solved if the soundman was prepared and early.
  • Familiar with the programme/songlist; who is doing what & making them sound clear with impact relevant to the performance
  • Your fellowship & participation in the team activities/prayers. Remember we love our Central Defender!
Do chat with me if you feel that there are things that we can do to help you achieve the objectives above.

Once again, thank you for your faithful service.


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