Thursday, January 28, 2010

Fixed Teams and Weeks

In the last 28 days or so, I have churned out 17 blog entries, tens of e-mails to various section heads, started and encouraged over 105 messages on Yahoogroup and to top it off generating income of RM1600 for the Creative Department. Some of you would be wondering, what else can these guys at the Central Working Committee do? Continue reading as I unfold a BOLD plan for February!

My Promise
In the 1st quarter meeting, I mentioned that we could only create a good system and conducive environment for you, the members, to serve. Today I unveil that system and I pray with all my heart that YOU will work the system, your talents will shine forth and bring glory to our Father in heaven.

Fixed Teams with Fixed Weeks of Duty

The revolution of the year is Worship Team Reality Show! No, not really. Well, a lot of reality, yes, but show...... well not quite. Anyway, back to our topic of fixed teams. I am officially anouncing 4 teams with fixed members. For now they will be named Team A, B, C and L. Each team will take a sunday each. If there are any 5th sundays, Team L will be serving. Each team is designated a FIXED week, ie Team A is always on the first week, Team L is always on the 2nd week, etc.

Team members will also be fixed. Projectionist, sound man, musicians, singers and whatever personnel needed for sunday worship service. Duration for the fixed teams will be until December 2010. After that there will be rotation.

Reserve Pool
Though we are asking the teams to commit to a particular week every month, some may have REALLY important reasons and they cannot make it. For those the reserve pool of worship leader/musician/projection/singers will come to play. In short, with advance notice, the one who cannot make it will be replaced by the reserve pool. It is not a swap.

At the moment, we are short on everything except faith in God and February enthusiasm. For those wondering what excitement has go to do with it, read here. But, the reserve pool will consist of high quality members who will commit to this program for a year. As our members grow in numbers, so will the reserve pool. An example is the worship leaders mentoring another 2 within their teams. By 2011 every team will have 3 worship leaders. Therefore, our pool of reserve worship leaders will grow and it will be less taxing in time to come. The same can be said of musicians, projectionists, etc.

We want to demolish, uproot, cast out ......

Excuse: Oh I forgot about the practice or No one informed me or I thought the schedule said 3rd March instead of 3rd April
Pastor: How can you forget when your Team A is always on the first week. Fine RM5.

Excuse: I can't perform my best because we keep having different musicians
Pastor: For goodness sake, it's a fixed team! Fine RM5.

Excuse: We keep having differnet teams of sing...e..Pastor cuts in abruptly: Fine RM5.

Excuse: I am just a soundman. No one notices even when I don't turn up on sunday.
Pastor: How dare you? Team A counts on you to provide good sound. You just killed their efforts by oversleeping on sunday. Fine RM5 million! and compulsory reading of this article!

I think you get the picture.

We want to see, we want to see, we want to see Jesus lifted High!
We want to plant/instill a "This is my ministry, my team" mentality. Not "I just play because I am scheduled." We want to you to be loyal and own up to your team mates. A commitment to the brothers and sisters in your team instead of to a schedule.

With fixed teams, we will eliminate uncertainties. It could be late songlist, don't know who is playing, etc. These will not bring the best out of the team. We want to get away from making the worship leaders responsible. We want the teams to be responsible. We want every member to make it count and to be counted upon.

Once we have fixed teams and weeks implemented, the Central Working Committee will implement 2 critical sub systems that will turbo-charge your teams! The first is an evaluation system. The second is the Buddy System. I tell you man (sorry for Manglish), this is taken from Sun Zi Art of War.

Causes of Concern
I will make my rounds to the various constituencies to explain the policy and iron out issues. You may shoot your comments here on the blog and dialog with me when I come to your practices. It should be interesting to see what comes out of this. I believe that if the members can catch the ownership principle of my ministry, my team and my church, it could be the way to a revival here!

Gloria In Excelsis Deo,



  1. way to go Tim! You're an awesome leader!

  2. No Eli, I am not. If I was I would be leading multitudes. Whatever my lot, I will serve the Lord. Right now, that lot is like a 3rd job....
