Friday, January 29, 2010

Drama in Broga

The Leaders Retreat was held in Excel Training Resort, Broga. Elsie and I drove there to attend the night session yesterday night drove back near midnight. The van I was driving, which was serviced in the morning, died near Saujana Impian. We had to call Eddie who was also heading to KL to S.O.S. I reached home at 12.45 on saturday morning and had to return immediately to the van with the mechanic. Issues was resolved and by the time I got home with the van it was 2am. It's 8 am on a beautiful saturday morning and I am heading to the recording studio to finish Pastor Aris album. Later today, at 3p, I'll be training on Basic Operation for sound system.

Yep, holding this Servant of All post feels like taking a third job, even though it's part time :)

Thanks be to God that the van didn't die at the lonely stretch of road between Broga and Semenyih. Thanks to Eddie who made a detour at midnight to fetch us.

Have a blessed weekend!

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