Wednesday, January 13, 2010

NO Procrastination!

4 true stories

  • We had a dual monitor VGA card on trial recently. The purpose was we didn't want to show the projectionist typing in lyrics/searching for files on the main projector. I got news it was installed on monday and I came to test it on wednesday. By sunday Mei Peng was already training the other 3 projectionist. I didn't have to push her. She did this on her own initiative. In fact I didn't know about the training till I saw it on sunday.

  • We had our 1st Quarter Meeting on the 9th. Benny was our scribist (ha ha secretary). 2 days later, on the 11th, the draft minutes were out.

  • Lud posted a comment,

"This is what I mean by being excellent.. Immediate set-up for (editor: from) the moment we discuss. Hats off to you Tim."

We had talked about a net communication in terms of mailing list and our own webpage on a sunday, Dce 13. By monday, Dec 14, I started our first pages as a trial run.

  • Joanne had a breakdown in the chinese service on sunday. Immediately after service, she contacted auntie Hilda who IMMEDIATELY relayed the information to me. Three days later on a wednesday we had someone look into it.

Mei Peng, Benny, Joanne, ....... your actions INSPIRE ME! We are thankful for this kind of attitude and ownership to the ministry. I know you must have received a lot of pat in the back in the past, so much so you may not feel anything now but..... my praises come from a sincere heart, thank you for a great attitude! I pray everyone in the church may be infected by this!

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