Friday, January 15, 2010

The Power of Excitement - The Answer

A Revival!

Yes, a revival has happened. It has happened to Worship Today Blog. After 2 years of hiatus, the writer has risen again! I'm speculating that because of the excitement generated by PCC Creative Ministry Blog, the Yahoogroup and over 90 e-mails and messages that sprung up in January 2010, a revival has taken place!

Enthusiasm - a contagious thing

It's because you the Creative members are excited. Now think what it would be like if all of you begin to get excited and contribute? I will not be suprised a church revival is on the way!! So let's get excited, pray, co-operate and give our very best to the Lord this year and together, WE WILL DECLARE HIS NAME!

For part one of The Power of Excitement, click here.

1 comment:

  1. social media tool is the in thing now Tim...very creative of you to use this tool to keep the communication going!
