Monday, February 1, 2010

Daily Devotion

The article below is taken from Dr. Benjamin George's daily devotional. I believe daily communion with God through his word and prayer is essential to Christian living.


Daily Devotion is the ‘Breath of life and Bread from heaven’ for your soul! Many Christians have wandered away from faith only because they failed to keep up their daily touch with their God and Saviour! Very often backslidden Christians, young and old come up to the altar for prayer to rededicate their lives. When I question them about their devotional life, invariably they admit that they had never kept up their daily devotions.

Dear believer, Daily Devotion should pass the stage of duty and discipline to one of Delight to you. That can happen only if you will with great determination, doggedly follow a daily routine of spending time alone with God. Something that delights you will never be forgotten or neglected. You will be pining for God and your time with Him. You will be sad when you have missed one day! Have you come to that stage in your spiritual life? Then, you will cry out like Korah's descendants, “As a deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When may I come to see God's face?” (Psa 42:1,2).

It is a great pity that Church leaders do not ‘teach and train’ young believers to have their Daily Devotions. We attach too much importance on church attendance and activity participation. In the long run all these things contribute little to spiritual stability and maturity in comparison to Daily Devotions! Christian parents should set an example and train up their children in the discipline of Daily time with God and His Word.

Dear child of God, like King David, make a vow with your God today, “I will always sing praises to you, as I offer you daily what I have promised”. ‘God’s Word’ translates it as “I keep my vows day after day”. Make a vow with God today and keep that vow every day. In the beginning it may be difficult. But practise makes it not only possible but a delight. Do you know that “Your God is enthroned on your praises” (Psa 22:3) and delights in it?

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord let me be like You, morning by morning listening to The Father’s voice and at night seeking His will. Amen.


1 Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer!

2 In despair and far from home I call to you! Take me to a safe refuge,

3 for you are my protector, my strong defense against my enemies.

4 Let me live in your sanctuary all my life; let me find safety under your wings.

5 You have heard my promises, O God, and you have given me what belongs to those who honor you.

6 Add many years to the king's life; let him live on and on!

7 May he rule forever in your presence, O God; protect him with your constant love and faithfulness.

8 So I will always sing praises to you, as I offer you daily what I have promised.

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