Sunday, February 7, 2010

5 Got Saved on 31st January Service

Praise God! On Casual Sunday, an altar call was given after Mei Peng and my testimony about how we got saved. 5 gave their lived fo Jesus. Coincidentally both of us were from the Creative Ministry Department.

The Creative Ministry members are the face of the church during service. We take up about a third of the time of the service. We are influencial throughb our lyrics, songs, dances, performances and multimedia presentation. We, being creative people, can take the gospel further and faster if we so choose to. With mass media and the internet, the world is our mission! George rap for Pastor Aris soon to be released album. If that album sells 10,000 copies, it would mean that at least that amount of people would have heard the message of the rap. When we go to shopping complexes and declare His name through songs or musicals, multitudes get to hear the good news.

I encourage all who are reading this blog to live a life worthy of the Lord Jesus and to let our light shine, whether we are on stage or not.

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