Tuesday, February 9, 2010


At the 1st Quarter Meeting, there were complains that the worship leaders were the cause of inefficient practices. The reason was the late songlists. Well, I am a worship leader and I felt challenged. Let's have a look at the worship leaders:

Kingba - full time university student with loads of exams. Lives in Semenyih and travels far to church

This is me..... the ever bee zee guy who is PCC toilet leakage checker, Music Director aka Servant of All, GM for GSUS, van driver, sound engineer, music educator, construction worker, yahoogroup administrator, blogger, father, computer problem solver, etc, etc. In a nutshell very Bee Zee man!

Kok Yen - superman who teaches drums on saturdays, conduct drummer for Christs, father of 2, involved in Family ministry committee, recordings, etc. I would rate him the man with a good heart!

Pastor Ben, a very experienced working man who has chosen to plough the harvest field together with PCC pastoral team. PA to the senior pastor, heading many departments in the church and a passionate man for Jesus.

What about the pictures?
The reason their faces are here is because since that meeting, the worship leaders have got their act together and churned out the songlists early. In February, they even beat the dateline of 1 week earlier. Pastor Ben and myself have given it 2 weeks ahead of schedule. Now what do you say about that?

The bucket is now out of our hands and into YOURS!!! You now have the youtube links, lyrics, yada yada. If the practices turn out bad, it is not the worship leaders fault anymore. The tables are turned. It is now our turn to challenge you, the singers and musicians, to self practice and get the songs nailed on time. :p

FYI, come March, we are armed with a checklist evaluation to fill and we are eagerly awaiting :)

Our prayers as worship leaders is that you will pick up the pace from here and TOGETHER, WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!

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