Monday, February 22, 2010

In Christ Alone

A beautiful song we'll be singing this sunday


  1. Hi Brother Timothy,

    Thanks for posting this song & for singing it during the worship time last Sunday...It has ministered greatly to me especially in the current challenging situation of one of my centres....where we can't seem to get out of it through the human's way but except through God's intervention...

    Would really appreaciate it if you can send this song in MP3 version to me...I would like to share it with one of my Principals who is going through this tough & challenging situation as well.

    God Bless,
    Esther Yong

  2. Oops...I should request for the video version as well so that I can use it for my worship/prayer group...

    God Bless,

  3. Esther, thanks for taking time to comment. It can get lonely at this blog.... if you get the (cold) drift....
    As for the youtube video, you could always send that link to whoever needs encouragement. For the mp3 I am not sure how that is done. I pray you will find a breakthrough to your centres situation and do give God the glory, especially on Yahoogroup or even on this blog!
