Thursday, February 4, 2010

Special Officer Probed for Sedition

A special officer to the Prime Minister got into hotsoup. According to TheStar Online, he uttered racist remarks in a 1 Malaysia Seminar. You can read it here. The Malaysian Today website records the words that were used. Click here if you are an adult.

I'm just using current events to illustrate the point of guarding what's in our hearts. The Bible says out of the overflow of the heart....... How many times a slip of the tongue has got us into hotsoup? In a heated situation, you raised you voice and utter something about your mother in law...oops :)

You meant guarding your tongue? Yes that too but I meant guarding your heart
The mother in law thing must have simmered in the heart for a long time. And for a long time the tongue has been kept a tight rein. Then, one fine day, when the heart is full of 'rubbish' it gets spewed out from the tongue.

Let's make sure our thoughts and hearts are right. We need to keep a pure heart before God and man.

Anyway back to the special officer. I pray that God will visit him and bless him. And that comes from the depths of my heart. And ain't God brilliant? If you want to change someone, change their hearts. That's what Jesus did. Dear Lord, please also bless PCC members, especially the Creative members, with a pure heart, a heart that wants to be filled with the Holy Spirit, a heart that wants to serve you.

Have a fruitful weekend!


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