Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Success Formula of Bernard and My Request For Prayer

There is one policy that I admire of Music Director for 2008, Bernard Lee. Some of us may not know this but he practised interceding for key members of the Creative Department. He believed that when God's people are blessed, they would be able to serve with even more vigour. I believe in that too. When I started the TEAM L project, I spent hours praying for Jim Abigo, George Igoni, Gimras Wrigal, Bridgette Victoria, William Lim, Lud Lee, Dixon Obege, Joseph Olayemi, Ria Yam, Elizabeth Chong, Tony Ng and Joel Chan. My convictions were, if each was strongly connected to God, then greater things will be done when we minister as a team.

Right now, an enormous task lies ahead for the Creative Department's Central Working Committee. We know that if we want change, a lot of energy, painful pleasures and sacrifices needs to be expended. We cannot run the department as in previous years. We will get the same results! Nothing wrong with previous years results. It's just that if we want improvement and a higher ground position, we need to CHANGE! And I say that with a very big OUCH!!

I am prepared for the 'ouch' but I covet prayers. Please pray for me and the Central Working Commitee. I am asking for intercessory prayers because the work I am embarking is SPIRITUAL. It is a struggle not against flesh and blood but against principalaties and powers beyond human resources. More will be elaborated in the article entitled "Why We Do What We Do". I would request that Kok Yen puts me in his prayer list for 2010. I am sure his experience being at the helm faithfully for so many years will cause his prayers to be effective and right to the heart of the issues.

Pray for us and again I say, pray for us.

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