Friday, December 25, 2009

An Observation on Christmas Day Service 2009

The Pro's
Choir presentation headed by Kok Yen was great! I thoroughly enjoyed it! The quality of the invited artist were also good. Kudos to everyone who put in effort to practice.

The Con's
Technical problem in the music for 1King drama. Sound system was a big improvement compared with the Easter outing we had in the same venue. However the line array system coverage is only for the first half of the seating capacity. The 2nd half portion did not have enough treble/clarity. We will need to evaluate if it was a budget restriction or other causes.

Jon made a good observation. I am sharing it with good intentions. Should the banner at the stage back wall been shot on the projector screen via a computer image? If the screen was down, it covered the banner. The banner didn't really come out as it was poorly lighted. Cost saved there could have been relocated elsewhere.

Note: When the banner was projected on sunday at church via projector it did look good.


  1. Comments from Albert and Shirley who was seated at the back of the hall at IYC...

    They couldn't hear anything except for the violin they were at a loss to what is happening....
