Wednesday, December 23, 2009

God's Fatihfulness in 2009: A testimony by Timothy

Merry Christmas & Victorious New Year to to all! Even though commercial celebrations have toned down yet things seem to look better. I said seem....who knows if they are any better :) Around this time last year, (december 2008) there was much gloom and doom in our country. Everywhere I turned the conversations were focused on financial meltdowns. Subprime and the domino effect on world economy was on everyone's lips. Factories were laying off workers. Big American plants were relocating. Prices of petrol, and thereafter everthing else, went up. It was not a pleasant season this time round last year.

My Emotional Turnaround
One of my new year resolution last December was to commit more to the creative department. I gathered a few people and launched the vision of Team L. I knew it required tremendous amount of time, effort and push to shape an exemplery team. It would require me to take time of business and family to achieve it's goals. In retrospect, it actualy cost more than I anticipated. It was not a logical decision that I made. The commitment was made out of love for God and obedience to His direction. While most people were bracing themselves for the doom and gloom of 2009, I went the opposite by putting aside more time for music ministry. That decision gave me an emotional turnaround. From that point onwards, I no longer was weighed down by the surronding gloom but was looking forward to see what God can do, both in my business situation and my PCC ministry in Team L.
(P/S I spent a total of 7-8 hours per week, January to June, to prepare and rehearse with Team L. This is in addition to all the church meetings and activities.)

God Be Praised
Truly God is to be praised! He is faithful and glorious! Let me rewind to mid 2008. My business actually slowed down then. By the end of 2008 it was quite bad and would be 'stupid' of me to take time of business and devote it to Team L for ministry. However, I knew in my heart that it was the will of God to start a spark through Team L for 2009. After a season in prayer, going against human understanding, Team L was birthed.

Trust not in your own understanding
When business is down, the natural thing to do is advertise more, pick up the phones and call, market, market, market....... Only the lazy fellows will sit down and snooze. I had full assurance about the will of God. And true enough, He had already planned out 2009 for me. God is in control! All I had to do was rest in His peace, worked hard, followed His guidance and 2009 turned out to be a fruitful year for business and ministry. It became the year of great satisfaction (and pain). Pain because of all those late nights and practices :)

Yep, God's hand was upon us all the way. After all He did say, "I will be with you ...". Up till October 09, we were down 25% in terms of turnover. By December, though I haven't counted yet, but I believe we did better than the previous year.

Lessons learnt
1. God is always in control regardless of how we feel or perceive things. Yes we live in this world with all it's up's and down's but we are not of this world. We belong to God's Kingdom.

2. His ways are higher and we must live by His every word. We listen to what our master says.

3. Since our lives are built on the Rock, we need to balance our activities with time for minstry. Not just being a part of ministry, but putting energy, effort and excelling in all we do to the glory of God in the highest!

4. Being immersed in ministry actually puts a lot of things in perspective. We are not so focused on the doom and gloom. Ministry helped us focus on God and being our best for Him.

5. That God rewards those who diligently seek Him. Of course you'd have to believe that He exists in the first place :)

Take heart, regardless of your experience in 2009, or what may happen in 2010, let us declare with one voice: as for me and my household we will serve the Lord! I encourage all Creative members to put in extra in 2010. Who knows? We may attempt a musical this time round! Let us be faithful to God as He is faithful to us!


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