Thursday, June 10, 2010

World Cup: May The Best Team Wins

Quote from Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak The Star Online
“For a football team to succeed, all players in the team, irrespective of their position, need to work together and play as a team. However great the footballers are as individual players, victory can only be achieved as a team".

Praise City Church worship teams comprise of projectionists, sound personnel, singers, worship leader, keyboardists, bassists, drummers as well as support people like key holders and data entry clerk for the Yahoogroup calender. Are we working as a team? Do we uphold or let dowqn our teammembers? Answer the questions below and we'll see if you are a team player!

  1. Do I know everyone's name in my team?
  2. Do I remember who my two buddies are?
  3. Have I called them within the last 2 weeks?
  4. Have I prayer for my team and worship leader in the last 2 weeks?
  5. Do I come for the practice with the songlist memorised?
  6. Do I come on time?
A "no" answer is room for improvement. More than 3 "no" is baaAADD!

I'm not getting into my ol' grumpy self this time. Gotta go take a nap to be ready for the opening match.

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