Sunday, June 6, 2010


The caption below is taken from The Star Online:

ACCORDING to sociologist Robert Bellah, “we should not underestimate the significance of the small group of people who have a new vision of a just and gentle world. The quality of a culture may be changed when 2% of its people have a new vision.”

The article is about fighting corruption. However the same can be said of any revival. It only takes a spark.... to get the fire going (source: SU scripture in song).

To those who have made it a point to be counted, to be early and prepared for practices/services, to have prayed for the ministry of music, I salute you. For those who made an effort to support the work of the Central Working Committee, I salute you. It may just be a handful, but to Jesus that's not a problem. After all Jesus took only 12(13) apostles to spread Christianity throughout the then known world.

I encourage you to Chia Yew, and again I say to you Chia Yew!
note: Chia Yew is translated as add gas/petrol to the fire

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