Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Last weeks's sermon by Pastor Aris had an emphasis on army of the Lord. Interesting reversal of scriptures in Joel. Instead of the locust army devouring, the army of the Lord heals and restores. As per my usual self I'll leave the smart saints to debate about that passage.

I just brought this up to CATCH YOUR ATTENTION! Now that I have, let me state that being the army of the Lord has never been my fancy. By nature, I am a diplomatic kind of guy. I dislike confrontations. When I do get confronted, I have no pride and will usually disagree by agreeing. Go figure that!

However since we are talking about the "army", and some of you guys/gals are the "army type", DID YOU KNOW I ACTUALLY HAVE AN ARMY ARTICLE ADAPTED FROM SUN TZU ART OF WAR? It is a gem that strategists will savour.

So here it is. You are supposed to click on the blue underline to view the article!

My "order" as general of the Creative Ministry of Praise City Church is to use this fantastic system of information dissemination and intelligence gathering. Look at Team A when they don't use it! Only 2 worship soldiers errr.. I mean..... singers on stage last week!

Anyway, what to do? We are all not army trained mah..... Some of you guys/gals are like me..... lovers of tau fu fa (BEANCURD). The moral of the story is the tools and systems are set. Please use them. Armies who DON'T usually get massacred..... now thats the TRUTH! And that's why I am not the army type.... I dislike blood, battles, etc

article written by General Bean brother of Mr. Bean, cousin to Tau Fu Fa aka Beancurd

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