Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Going Up To The Next Level

by Pastor Aris

When someone complains that a program or presentation is 'boring', what do they actually mean?
They probably mean one or two things listed below...
1. There is nothing new about it.
2. They have seen/heard that before.
3. Nothing has changed or improved over the years. Its the same old thing. The worship structure is set in cement.
4. It is predictable. They can tell the end from the beginning of the program.
5. There are no 'wow' moments.
6. It is sub standard to what they are exposed to.
7. It lacks creativity
8. Mediocrisy is tolerated.

A worship service can easily melt down to a mere maintainance mode where worshippers just drift in and out every weekend without having an encounter with God. When this happens, who should take responsibility? When a TV series drops in its ratings, does the management blame the viewers that they dont know the value of the program. On the contrary, the management, the producers of the program takes a hard look at why they are not drawing the crowds and make the necessary changes to make the program exciting.

For the full article clikc here.

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