What can we pray for Malaysia? Well, if you have run dry on what to pray, why not pray over the points of the following article? Article is taken from Malaysia Today http://www.malaysia-today.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=30931:real-cost-of-nep-insights-from-an-ice-cream-seller&catid=18:letterssurat&Itemid=100129
I cant help but put in my two scoops worth over the recent discourse over the cost of the affirmative action policies we have undertaken over the years – which affected the most part of my life.
By Roland K Selvanayagam
Numbers have been tossed in the air but essentially, the real costs cannot be quantified. Its ill implementation has affected our lives in more areas than we can sit up and observe
Lets look at a convenient 10
1) Education
Up to the late 60's our education was considered top class from primary to tertiary level. Even the diploma awarding colleges had a certain class about them eg the precursor to the now Universit Teknologi Malaysia
Thanks to the politicised implementation by our 'educators', our schools are now shunned. Tuition after hours becomes almost a standard. What our 'teachers' do not do in schools, the tuition teachers fill in. When the string of distinctions are announced, the schools and their teachers claim the credit.
I need go no further than my own two children.
Universities locally are generally avoided unless one cannot afford the alternative of overseas education or private sector university colleges.
The atmosphere in schools and public universities are so sterile that I wonder if I am sometimes in Brunei.
2) Health
I remember visiting our old GH in KL in the 60's and 70's and also the UH in Petaling Jaya.
The doctors and nurses were dedicated, pretty professional and you never really thought of going to a private hospital for better treatment.
Today, one has to ensure private health insurance is in place or 'endure' the public healthcare system.Sure there are exceptions out there but then, that should have been the rule. How many lower middle class and upward segments of our society opt to have their babies delivered in the government hospitals? That itself is a gauge of damnation.
For full article, please click here.