A long time ago,
in a galaxy far far away
a Jedi knight brings news from.....
Starting 2010, the Central Working Committee will merge the worship leaders and singers into one section. The section will be renamed Worhip Singers and will be headed by Wong Gan Teng. They will be divided into 4 teams of worshippers with their respective team/worship leader. The teams will rotate to lead worship on sunday.
Subtle Change?
There are 3 objectives to this restructuring:
1. To dismantle the mindset of 'backup' singing
We HOPE every singer to be first and foremost - a worshipper. The role of the singers is not to provide backup, nor morale/singing support, nor visual support nor volume. It is first and foremost to worship God. The next HOPE would be the leading the congregation to worship Almighty God. We are also holding the singers accountable for a good or bad worship service/practice. Formerly, the worship leaders were responsible. We don't want a Ben Ranis/Tim.L/Kingba/Kok Yen 'worship' proprietorship. We want a body ministry. Everybody's involved, everybody's responsible!
2. To encourage active participation of singers in the practices and on sunday. To contribute to lyrical content, and songlist.
We HOPE to get the backups to the position of frontline or co-worship leaders. We encourage the current batch of singers to learn worship leading skills as well as a worship lifestyle. We HOPE the singers to be on time. We want to let you know that you are important in this ministry. This will be accomplished with pre-practice interaction/contribution. The worship leaders are expected to groom, mentor and allow space for co-worship leading. This moves away from just letting someone else sing the verses. That person must learn to lead worship. By the end of the year, each worship leader will have a team of new breed worship leaders!
3. Double the Worship Leader Base 39 years before 2050
I'll jokingly imply that our long term vision were to double the worship leaders by 2050. But sorry to say: WE ARE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT! God willing, we HOPE to be able to "kao for" to Pastor: 12 able worship leaders by 2011.
There's the vision for worship singers in 2010. In gist, back up singers are taking a frontline role. What about the current worship leaders? Ah... For that you'll have to read Worship Singers Part V: The Umpire Strikes Back
Pictures from www.funatiq.com
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