Monday, July 19, 2010

Going Double

We are going double in September. As we prepare to double our worship service, we know that more is required of the worship team. The strategy is for the same team to play twice each Sunday.
1. Did I hear 'play twice'. Wow! - playing twice - what an honor. To be able to do the thing you love and are gifted for a second time - what an honor. Its like a double helping of ice-cream, double delicious cakes, double premium Brazilian coffee...or double any food you like to eat.

Click here for full article

1 comment:

  1. FIND the area you LOVE to serve in.
    DIRECT all of your ENERGY towards it.
    ABUNDANCE flows into your LIFE.
    DESIRES fulfilled; there's MEANING.

    If above does not fit your description .. you'll drain and burnout. So, ask the Lord to help you seek the ROOTS of the MEANING.
