Rambabu evangelistic Easter meetings have come and gone. The dust is settling. Miracles have been performed, hearts encouraged, and souls harvested. After the official "rest day", which is monday, the church gets hectic again with the follow-ups and what naught.
We can all shout "Praise The Lord" equiavalent or louder than we did in Rambabu's meeting. But let me draw your attention to Pastor Aris opening statement for the crusade and share a perspective from my end.
God is Attracted to Faith, Not Needs
That was a striking statement by the senior pastor. God doesn't neccessarily respond to needs or sick people. He, however, will respond to faith for or faith that resides in needy and sick people. Many people are in the hospitals but miraculous healings don't take place there. Healings take place in gospel rallies where there is faith in the name of Jesus to perform the miraculous! Striking but it was the truth. Hebrew 11:1 says Without faith it is impossible to please God....and that He rewards those that diligently seek Him.
Now, let me draw your attention to a particular statement brother Rambabu made on Good Friday. He said that God had already begun the process for healing and encouraged a couple to come for saturday and Easter sunday meetings. Here's the bummer. Wife was paralysed and on a makeshift recliner. My interpretation of that: he was stirring their faith and cheering them on towards God and healing. And that is what a healing evangelist does. They preach the gospel to inspire faith in Christ Jesus. And in the atmosphere of faith, God confirms His Word by signs and wonders. Now the natural man would have wanted a complete healing without effort. It's called Maggi Miracle. And God sometimes work in that manner. However in this couple's case, it was REALLY a test of faith. It was like the evangelist was putting huge obstacles in their search for healing! I couldn't imagined myself in the husband's place. I would have to endure the shame/pity/stigma/etc of getting help to transport a paralysed wife to and fro from church. Not once but 3 times! I would imagine it would be a big obstacle if I was not a believer. And to do that for all 3 services without any sign of improvement or healing? Wow.
Guess what? She DID come. All 3 services. Maybe with the help of church members. I don't really know, but she did come. Someone was or some people were determined enough. It can be argued it could have been faith or maybe just desperate human determination.
The Aftermath...History is still being written...
I do not know whether they received complete or partial healing. But just by their attendance of all 3 meetings, that should count for something. If they were not believers, that's about as much faith you're going to get. Now what? God has the power to heal and save but He responds to faith. Let's assume the couple has shown their faith. Healing process started. Church believes in God's will to heal and save. Church must now show her faith to complete the process. Here's my paradigm shift: In order to complete that circle of faith, and the healing process, there must be a continuous effort to build/maintain faith in the couple's heart. Faith comes by hearing the word of God. Someone's gotta go and continue sharing God's word till faith overflows and moves the hand of God! Which brings us to another faith obstacle. This time the visitation team will have to show their faith. If there was partial or no signs of improvement, how much faith do the church members have to GO and minister the word, AND persist on until the healing process is complete? Healing here refers to physical and spiritual.
What kind of doctrine is this?
Mine. Actually it's plain common sense, not doctrine. What do we hope for from the evangelistic meetings and the Be Contagious campaign? Souls added to God's Kingdom. To have souls added, there must be work! Lots and lots of visitation work, preaching work, etc! Bible says "Faith without works is DEAD". Miracles aside, work here would also mean charity, love, prayer, counselling, etc.
The next time someone says share your faith, consider the cost! I am sure after you weigh the cost you would be like the members of PCC visitation teams. This time tomorrow (tuesday), they will be out there sharing their faith and being the Lord's arm to those who need encouragement. Thier faith will be so strong that those needing miracles, whether big or small, will receive them because the circle of faith is completed.
Faith is being sure of things hoped for and certain of what is not seen. If you have faith for church growth, this WILL be a busy week/month for you! Go in God's strength! Let your faith take the TASK by the horn!
Note: Faith is not just about taking risk, or being daring or even being determined. It is believe base on the logos or rhema word of God.
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